Reading more and more about Splinterlands. It's been on my "to do" list for some time now. I think I should get going and sign up! Thanks for the detailed financial analysis. Sounds like a decent opportunity whilst still getting to have a lot of fun. Is there a specific guide to playing for brand newbies that you would recommend that really demystifies the game in as simple terms possible and gets one playing quicker? Not trying to cut corners as I always end up reading the detail anyway, but it's nice if you can start with a good overview.
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My biggest problem when I started playing was understanding card abilities and placement, so I wrote a short guide on it:
You may also want to look into card rentals as card purchases are super expensive right now but with rentals you can rent cards for fees lower than what you can earn back from completing your daily quests:
If you're looking for more info on the new token SPS, check the official announcement:
Thanks! I followed your splinterland link and have signed in using my keychain. Have bought the Summoner's spellbook. May try my hand a bit later at a few games once kids are in bed. Only Azmare Dice packs available to purchase at the mo and need DEC. Untamed set sold out. Think I'll muck around for a week and see how it all works. Is it worth buying the potions at all? Are the returns decent or should I ignor for now? I'll definitely read the guide though. thanks for posting the link. I'll let you know what I think :-)
Welcome aboard!
You didn't mention which card you wanted for signing up, so I bought you a Flamesmith from the Dice collection. (Seems like the most useful/powerful card below 50cents to me right now, considering that the Untamed cards are already playable as phantom cards when signing up)

You may consider quest potions, which can pay off but are a game of luck in the end, hoping for good loot chests from quests.
It is good to have gold and legendary potions when opening packs but you may hold off from buying them for now as they can also be earned from quests. Personally, I didn't open packs in months and my potions from quest rewards are overflowing:

Don't feel down from the small reward amount in Novice/Bronze league. When you rent cards and get to silver/gold, rewards will be much better! Keep in mind that you need summoners at a certain level to use levelled up monsters, so looking for summoners should be the priority.
Thanks! Didn't even think to ask for anything else, you've been really helpful :-)
I've already used Flamesmith quite a few times with success thank you so much! Managed to complete the daily challenge too so starting to get the hang of it. It's a bit addictive ;-)