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RE: Shut it Down

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I see blockchain as the spark to change how society behaves towards old business models. The same way Napster disrupted the music industry many years ago. It all started as a centralized service but ended up introducing the peer-to-peer music exchange concept and that ended up changing the whole industry upside down. The same model jumped into the movies and so on. Only after video streaming platforms finally reached a reasonable price for people to bother downloading or streaming for free services as Popcorn Time finally closed.

This is exactly what I see with centralized social media platforms. True they do not "charge" us anything for its use as video or music did in the past but they abuse us taking our content, controlling it at their own pace, and making money out of it.

I decided to delete my Fb account several years ago, first because I was not using it too much and second because I was feeling very uncomfortable with it. I understand that it may hurt some businesses that rely on the service to communicate with their customers, but having control of their own data is a savvier way to deal with their business, especially when you see social media accounts closed by any stupid reason or error which are very hard to recover.

Fb is the old school of squeezing users' content and data to make money, the same way IRS is the old way of squeezing all citizens to fund many useless expenses on a country. Blockchain is the door to get rid of many of those old abusive models and face a new decentralized era.

Shut it down!


I understand that it may hurt some businesses that rely on the service to communicate with their customers, but having control of their own data is a savvier way to deal with their business, especially when you see social media accounts closed by any stupid reason or error which are very hard to recover.

And, it only hurts in the short-term view, because once there is the incentive, the space will fill with alternatives to plug the gaps. Once enough people make the shift, the weighting changes and what used to be a "must" becomes irrelevant to the alternative options.

Blockchain is the door to get rid of many of those old abusive models and face a new decentralized era.

It is going to get interesting as I am already seeing that some people are already getting fooled into thinking that they are working in a decentralized environment, even though it is actually governed centrally.