Migrating Your Social Circle & Business To WEB3

in LeoFinance6 months ago

It’s Time To Get Proactive

People spend hours a day on Facebook, Instagram, and X! They won’t admit it but when you begin to tally up the minutes throughout the day together with the lengthy periods in bed and front of the TV screen, it’s hours. Many of these individuals have heard of WEB3 and the monetization methods that exist within these digital realities of content and social interaction. However, few have taken the steps to begin benefiting from this groundbreaking technological advancement.

Many indeed missed out on the Crypto wave. However, WEB3 is still in its formative stages. People tend to utilize the past as a directive for future success. However, such an approach is counterintuitive regarding the ideology of investing. Highly effective investors envision the future and begin positioning themselves for a “wave” currently unseen and yet to rise. This is the brilliance of the pioneering spirit.

Individuals operating within this realm of thought open doors for others to follow. WEB3 is still in a pioneering stage. Models are being tested and improved upon by pioneers in the space. Some will fail, while others will experience enormous adoption and relevance in the future. Choosing to be a part of this movement will produce a significant harvest in Crypto’s next chapter.

The Retirement Concept

Those who can afford it usually finance a home during their working years. However, many aim to own a holiday home they can one day retire to. In many ways, WEB3 is a similar move. Individuals have a working “home” on WEB2 platforms. However, eventually, these platforms will no longer serve them in a truly beneficial and advantageous manner.

For many WEB2 creators transitioning into WEB3, they are building a “holiday home” where they are currently spending some time. However, the majority of their time is still spent on WEB2 platforms. They understand that as WEB3 matures, they will be better served as creators within its walls. Until then they continue to create within WEB2 while simultaneously building in WEB3. This makes an eventual transition effortless and profitable.

Simply relocating from WEB2 to WEB3 without an established audience and track record will be enormous. Yes, influencers with large audiences will not battle as much but they are a minority. The average WEB2 creator needs to begin building now! Establishing your brand in WEB3 is a non-negotiable. You can currently get away with avoiding WEB3. However, eventually, that will no longer be the case.

Everything advances, changes, and improves with time. Clunky WEB2 models will soon be outdated. Furthermore, in many cases, WEB2 is rather exclusive regarding monetization. WEB3, on the other hand, is inclusive in nature and levels the playing field to a certain degree. WEB3 is the future of social media, content creation, and monetization. The transition has begun, even if ever so slowly.

Final Thoughts

Understand the times you are living in. Choose to be proactive and not reactionary. WEB3 is here and will continue to expand and mature into an all-consuming ecosystem comprising data and social interaction. Monetization is at the heart of WEB3 and that makes it even more exciting! Change has begun! Make sure you are on the right side of history. Enjoy the weekend and I will see you soon! Keep stacking!


First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.

This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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