India has recently decided to block several foreign exchanges including a lot of prominent ones such as Binance, KuCoin etc. which is an opportunity that is being taken by the Indian exchanges.
CoinDCX has reported a massive growth in it's deposits in just a week of the announcement of the foreign exchanges being blocked which is an effect visible on other Indian exchanges as well.
Hello fren the community on threads misses you when you are not interacting here with others. Increased interaction on threads can be a your elevator to growth on the blockchain
stay creative
India has recently decided to block several foreign exchanges including a lot of prominent ones such as Binance, KuCoin etc. which is an opportunity that is being taken by the Indian exchanges.
CoinDCX has reported a massive growth in it's deposits in just a week of the announcement of the foreign exchanges being blocked which is an effect visible on other Indian exchanges as well.
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You can check out this article for more information on the same,
Do drop your thoughts below
Hello fren the community on threads misses you when you are not interacting here with others. Increased interaction on threads can be a your elevator to growth on the blockchain
stay creative
Yeah, I too do that every now and then. Sometimes it's a gap but I try to be very active. I'll be trying to be more active from now onwards.
Thanks for stopping by
Great to hear that !