Bull Market Regrets, Bear Market Misery
Don't know about ya'll but not making the same mistakes the next bull market. Conviction/Loyalty is a dangerous game when it comes to crypto investing.
Don't know about ya'll but not making the same mistakes the next bull market. Conviction/Loyalty is a dangerous game when it comes to crypto investing.
Can we learn from you? What mistakes did you make and what lessons can we draw?
Simple. Never sold any. Got taken some profits when things are pumping. Doesn't matter how loyal you want to be to a project. It's financial suicide to not book some profit.
I feel this. The only conviction plays I have are BTC and ETH these days.
Altcoin bros holding last cycle darlings hoping for 100x are usually disappointed.
Been there and done that.
Yep lessons learned for sure. Move some into stables during the next bull run for sure and take some profits!