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RE: Spent Last 1 Hour Hunting Plagiarism On Leofinance - I found myself a new job

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yeah, there's a lot of reasons why someone would present an article that way. Not all are nefarious. It could be a simple misunderstanding of expectations. What I have seen though, is that if you uphold a standard, then people are likely to follow through with it.

HIVE, however, isn't a small class whose grammar and plagiarism checks can be automated with high accuracy. A lot of people apparently do what you suggest though I have to write your method appears the most effective and, sadly, underutilized.

I see a lot of downvotes cast on a majority of articles with no explanation. Your presentation is a solid attempt and would change things for the better.


I guess so because I did notice something while trying to compare the results. I noticed some duplicates all over, where the same article is posted in like 5 different websites but different authors.

I guess someone might feel it's right just because it's been done out there. But it's not right, most of those other websites are news forums and most times they have copyright agreements, but the open world may not necessarily care about that. But when it comes to Hive where you're making more off this things, you have got to understand that copying everything from word to word is not just acceptable, and judging from how he spammed the community with over 5 articles in the time span of three hours, it was clear he knew what he was doing and right now you can spot his downvote on my posts which proves he's of no good,if he wasn't aware then he would be pleading right now.

They will all be down because it's just not fair for the Unique and hard working users on the platform.

Your argument is just and sound. There's no counter to what you've described. Ascribing "no good" as a moniker is legitimate. Also, your description is easily verifiable so others can come to the same conclusion. Yours is a solid strategy with value.

What we need, if it exists, is a founding central strategy on HIVE unless it already exists applicable to plagiarism. Something everyone can reference. I'd love to take that up after finals are over next week. If I want to learn about Leo, for instance, I just check out their library for the basics. Everything else I learn afterward comes from individual articles people write. Is there something that exists regarding plagiarism?

You're also correct that it isn't fair to those who work hard to create content here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Uhm, if you're talking about an Article explaining what plagiarism is and how not to fall a victim, I pretty much never Come across any!

I think it'd be nice to write one Article that could be added to leopedia so that new users can understand how not to be caught in the act.

On a publication where one is making money off, it is always very crucial that things of this nature are taken care off, If some kind of investigation should be done on Hive I believe a lot of users will be caught and sued, most may not be aware that it was wrong tho.

It's just as risky as copying another company's trademark and placing it on your own products up on sale, that company could pretty much Bill you of everything you have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would love to see a time when Leo has such a tool. Instead of people getting mad about getting downvoted, the one who downvotes would just write something like, "in violation of" and please correct or downvote stands. People who are curating deserve something like that to fall back on. Something that is backed by the token's admin. Just my two cents though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta