I should expand a little bit as this is close to home. Let’s say you have a relative whose primary outlet is the phone you provide. The relative keeps to themselves and prefers to, for instance, stay at home to play on it or video games while the family goes out for some family time. This is a common occurrence in that the parents always prefer to leave the kid alone with their games. I think this is abusive and negligent. In this example, the child grew to be a young adult who never ventured out or sought friends at least party because of this.
I admit though that there are always exceptions to the rule and I can always be wrong.
But, it is convenient for the parent and safe for the child... until they have to venture into the world.
I have some "opinions" about these things, (right or wrong), where for example, we are giving kids an upbringing that doesn't prepare them for the realities of the world - all they will be able to do, is live in a virtual fantasy, justifying it as a quality life.
No. I think you have the right opinion. It's important to keep kids safe, but you also have to do that by preparing them for the outside world.