How far will we have to financialize?
What's your opinion on:
"Refusing nonhuman life the right to hold money is to deny what is possible in the regeneration of nature. It also wilfully ignores what will happen on the frontlines of the anthropocene over the next decade if there is no radical intervention that allows nonhuman life forms to announce to the world that they are worth more alive than dead."
Posted using Dapplr
Thanks for the article. I had not seen that one so I will have to read it.
When I said tokenize anything, that is exactly what I meant. There is nothing that prevents what you describe from taking place. tokenization is an method for incentivization of behavior. Monetizing the biodiversity of the planet is a way to alter behavior in a desired direction.
An entire economy can be built by the community that is interested in making that the case. Their efforts can produce the same outcome as any economic activity. If enough people are involved, this economy can grow to be a lot bigger than many sectors we have now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I read the whole thing and found it utter nonsense. Many did the same with the bitcoin whitepaper though. Maybe I'm just old and lack imagination.
Why nonsense? There's some real value in financializing microactions and create protection through trade
Posted using Dapplr