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RE: Selling the Bottom: Let's Lower HBD Yield!

in LeoFinance10 months ago

I thought 20% APR was a madman move at first but then I realized I was probably earning 20% APR through posting and curating anyway. I like holding hive because I can use it, and it’s good if HBD can compete with a Hive, at this point in time 20% APR does that.

Also I find it insane that people complain about the price at this range, like yo, we aren’t on that many exchanges, we aren’t going to get the same stupid pumps as shit projects but that also means that our price is closer to a realistic value and won’t crash nearly as hard as MarioTrumpCorana coin or whatever. This is what building from the ground up looks like.

Now if we didn’t have real development and weren’t improving how we do outreach, then I’d be worried. But we do and we are.


But when do we get that VC money?
wen moon sir