I really wanted to avoid this debate because I think we need more time to find a wide variety of investors to distribute rewards to content creators who will stack rather than sell, that is how we will see more decentralization of power. So in some ways I think it's just a patience game, but someone has to mention the elephant in the room, which is that technology and ideology isn't enough to decentralize power. As long as people aren't willing to respect opposing viewpoints and be a little kinder in their disagreements, we are always going to have some people dominating other people and doing everything in their power to control them.
If this is just a disagreement about rewards, there is no reason to downvote you to 0, that will inevitably be treated as antagonization and a display of power, regardless of what it's intended as. We need more compassionate "policing" at Hive. We survived the bidbots and come back stronger so I think we can survive this too.
I would not give up on Hive. This place will get better if people like us stick around and have these hard conversations with as much patience and compassion as we can muster.
I will try to add something more to the conversation soon but I want to approach it with some tact. Please don't give up @kennyskitchen @ura-soul.