
When the nostrils are open

I wish I could close my nostrils like I close my eyes. Imagine…

May be she wanted to get admired, instead

This is why I don't wear perfume anymore. What smells good to me might be offensive or too strong to others 😅

it’s really not common in Japan so everyone’s nose is super sensitive to it. If it’s really really light I don’t mind but if it’s strong I might avoid you lol

hey it probably smells great to somebody 😆

yeah, vultures! Hahahaha

I though there were several ones... depending on the decomposition status.

Sorry if this becomes graphic.

Lololol yeah 70% decomposed fragrance! 🤮
I swear, something was not right about her perfume

Probably better than rotten eggs...

You made me remember a man who had a perfume that smelled like skunk.😅

I hope these two smelly people find each other and have a happy life deep in the woods where no other soul will smell them except the skunks