Many sites were blocked on Desktop? I could have sworn you would have access to a lot more sites on desktop than on mobile, unless they are apps without chrome extension. Why was your experience different?
I did want to ask if your country had anything to do with those restrictions, I did not have enough characters left. I am sorry about that though. But that means you still have restrictions now that you are on mobile too, no?
what did you have to use then?
I used a laptop and social media. Mostly I played guitar and practiced mandarin with strangers
Good 4 years. Oh my God! How did you survive? I bet you had a PC and a device that allows you to connect to the internet, right?
yes but I didn’t use it much because many sites were blocked. I only used it for email and studying mandarin, and sometimes watching movies
Many sites were blocked on Desktop? I could have sworn you would have access to a lot more sites on desktop than on mobile, unless they are apps without chrome extension. Why was your experience different?
it wasn’t about desktop or mobile. Some countries block some websites 😜
I did want to ask if your country had anything to do with those restrictions, I did not have enough characters left. I am sorry about that though. But that means you still have restrictions now that you are on mobile too, no?
nope! I moved back to Japan. The only thing blocked here are crypto exchanges that aren’t Japanese 😫
Oh, you never got to find out. That is okay.
Oh shit! That is not good. But you have a way around this, right?