Maaaan I wanted that video to end. It was great, but I could make a 12 part series responding to all the info you dropped there. Overwhelmed with topics I want to talk about. I'll drop some tiny bits and save most of it for future blogs/vlogs.
1 I thought of money as energy for a while until I realized it's not even that, it's just a vehicle for energy/trust, and hardly the only one.
2 I read a cool theory that the barter economy was likely just a myth. According to that theory, when most people were living in villages and earlier, bartering was just used with travelers. People who knew each other used an informal reputation economy that had slightly different rules depending on the culture. "All my chickens died and you won't give me any eggs? Well I'm going to tell the whole town what a dick you are". Downvoting ancient style.
3 The moment I realized that the desire to grow and expand forever is a natural and healthy part of life and our programing....was the moment I started appreciating your work. ;-) True story.