Yeah, that's more like it. Liquid staking. But what are the risks..? It looks good enough to research further for sure
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, that's more like it. Liquid staking. But what are the risks..? It looks good enough to research further for sure
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What are the risks of liquid staking in crypto?
Liquid staking in crypto and asset-backed securities share similar risks.
And we all know what happened to mortgage backed securities during the GFC...
Well, staking your crypto create a new layer of abstraction that tends to distract people from the health of the underlying assets.
Which in crypto are obviously extremely high risk on their own.
Always do your own research and fully understand the risks involved.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'll have to re-read the post. I was under the impression liquid staking was something else maybe.
Are we talking g about liquidity pools then?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta