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RE: Introducing the LeoFinance WhiteBook Version 1.0 | Our Vision, Mission and Expansion as a Web3 Platform

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Holy crap, that's a lot of work you've put into this!!! I am sold on LEO, I am!!!

I have been trying to understand alll this for a few weeks, I started by figuring out how to sell hive and buy eth... now I'm looking at cubfinance because it's time to try to make my crypto work or itself. I'll get it soon enough and I appreciate everything you guys are doing here, it's helping me a lot.

What I don't understand is how is it that Hive and all its second layer tokens haven't gained all that much recognition since it has all these fast transactions and low low fees and scalablity have been proven to work for so long.

Is it because until now, we havn't had much of a bridge to work with in terms of getting around multiple chaines?

Thanks again for your work, I'll be following the DailyLeo Newsletter from now on!!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In answering the question and from my own perspective, I'd say that Hive lacks the top-notch marketing strategy.

That being said, we need to understand that this marketing and publicity is the responsibility of every Hivean because Hive isn't owned by one person.

For the outsiders to know what Hive is made of, they have to be told.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good point. Come to think of it I don't have any friends I've been able to talk into using the platform, they find it oo difficult or aren't interested.

Yes I guess it is our responsibility. thanks for that reply

Then you have to start talking more and be ready to guide them when they are onboarded.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're right, the thing is not money of them are into crypto... still see this whole thin as a fad! Otherwise, I'm ready to guiide them!

Yeah, many people aren't into cryptocurrency because they don't understand its workings. I believe that with proper education and information, many would want to venture into the technology.

Keep guiding those you can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to be good at answering in time! Sorry for the late reply, yes you're absolutely right. Education is key

I understand!

We get busy sometimes with other things aside Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta