Wow,absolutely amazing to have put this up. When it comes to content writing there are three things that's very important which are creative image,a concise and catchy title and intro of the content. All of these three things must work together to give an interesting read.
Creative image must be giving an illustrative explanation of what content is all about even before reading. This is what I've been struggling with on hive, though got a little experience in photography but I need to further it so as to give the best on hive. I need a good phone
I love your writeup, very detailed and concise. Have a wonderful day
This one is particular and using and owning one's images. It's always been an issue with people who are creators: finding the right image to create. Maybe in the future, I'll talk about the other aspects you've mentioned.
Photography, is not about the gadget, it's about knowing the capability of your gadget and taking advantage of them, putting them to good use, as well as knowing how far you can extend it.
True Though....mine is out of hand. So it's hard to make use of it.