The best part of 19%! Wow, and this is only recorded transactions.
I spoke to two people at the weekend who are cash-only. One said it enabled him to manage his money better, with plastic you could easily spend beyond your means without realising. The other said he liked the social interaction with (and in, and on the way to and from) the Post Office, where he pays his bills, and shops where he's making purchases.
When I was part of a Worklessness and Poverty Commission at a London borough, one of the "unknowns" was the extent of the cash economy and how it worked and the impact it had on people's lives.
The Bank of England's policy is to retain cash because of the large numbers of people who use it and rely on it.
I've had to start getting change because the laundrette here is cash-only!
Yr right I bet a lot of txs are not recorded! I do like using it myself and it does make tracking easier. We shld go back to cash books too maybe..?!