
Those on the right primarily emit carbon dioxide.

Those on the left emit methane.

While methane emissions are overall far lower than carbon dioxide, the properties of methane mean it is far more effective in trapping heat.

I think if we got rid of cows, we'd kill what's left of our topsoil. We need to shift to regenerative practices and end some of the factory farming, but we definitely need to keep raising animals for food.

Nobody wants to get rid of cows lol.

However, there is no denying that the cattle industry is one of the main contributors to global greenhouse gases.

Reducing methane should (and is) a priority for the industry and governments.

I think it’s been grossly overstated how much impact it has. And, actually, some people have straight up said they want to eliminate animal farming. Monocrop agriculture is what we need to do away with, but it’s required for both fake meat and lab-grown meat. It also kills everything that would live on the land, both plants and animals.

So while it's true that the greenhouse gas emissions of the fossil fuel industry is relatively worse.

The livestock industry still has an extremely important role to play.

Instead of memes, check out what FutureFeed is doing in this field.

The global science is much more fascinating than insular US politics.

I spend a good part of every day learning about these things. Memes are just a good way to spread messages, especially in this attention-deficit world. haha.

I have zero problem using vegan capsules and supplements for nutrition. I may even consume some vegan food or other.

Living the lifestyle and accepting the philosophy? I'll stick with being an omnivore.

I was vegan for 10 years and vegetarian for 14 before that. I'm completely changed my diet, but I haven't actually changed how I feel that much. I just realized that there is death involved in every meal.

That reminds me of a scene in Avatar where Navi say a prayer 4 D prey they will kill b/c they recognize D prey is part of D ecology along with them. No gluttony/emotional eating there. If we can't be vegan/vegetarian, @ we can least B respectful.

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