Thanks for reading, what's your take on this? Do you like staking of tokens if it's just for the locking up aspect in and of itself (without PoB)? Aside from security concerns do you see any value to it that I don't?
I think the way posh and now gosh work is super interesting, leaving them liquid, we have the freedom to choose what to invest in at a given moment. Therefore, not as a way to take advantage, but as a way to receive for sharing someone's cool post, we receive this "remuneration" that also helps us.
About the tokens and the stake, there is always a doubt, what can we do? Put in a pool, sell, swap or stake? Well, there's no shortage of options, but as you asked, sometimes it doesn't make sense, staking just to have a stronger vote and thus greater rewards. OK, but it would really be nice to have some other use, so I prefer tokens that give us some options to do some other out-of-stake action.
The planned news seems to be very interesting, and for sure the community will like it a lot!