Bitcoin is a technological improvement of the current global money transfer and payment system.

in LeoFinance8 months ago (edited)

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In this post I will explain the current "global" transfer and payment system, and then in a side by side comparison, show how Bitcoin is better.

Post Summary or TLDR :

The current global money transfer and payment system, is actually a message transfer system conveying messages of debt and credit, with 30 day settlement. This system is closed to much of the worlds citizens and controlled by a few for their benefit.
The Bitcoin money and payments transfer system is the first actual money transfer system, which is not based on a message conveying debt and dependent on credit, but instead the message is the money or payment, and it conveys immediate settlement. This system is open to everyone in the world, and is controlled by no one, and benefits everyone. The fact that you can convert the majority of the worlds currencies to Bitcoin on cryptocurrency exchanges, transfer it to anyone or anywhere, and the receiver can convert it to another currency with immediate settlement, is even more amazing. Please note you can move Bitcoin for pennies on the Lightning Network, and the system is permissionless. Except for possibly a money transfer license, depending on the laws of your country, if you do it as a business.
#TLDR to long didn't read

Introduction: The core concepts to understand

Our current money transfare system, run by a few very large banks and a few very large credit card companies, is not really a money transfer system, but instead it is a message transfer system, based on debt and credit, which takes about 30 days to settle. Bitcoin is actually a money transfer system, system, because the message is the money, and the money is the message, and Bitcoin settles debts instantaneously, the same day, in about 20 minutes.

A breakdown of the current system concepts.

  • Our current money transfer system is digital; which means it sends digital packets of information, across town, across the country and potentially across the world, using the internet.
  • Our current money transfer system is digital, but dollars and other currencies are not digital objects, so they can't actually be sent as digitally packets of information, across town, across the country or across the world.
  • Our current money transfer system, therefore, is not actually a money transfer system, but it is a message transfer system.
  • Our current money transfer system, is actually a message transfer system, and the message is A Promise to Pay Later.
  • Our current money transfer system is a message system, the message is a promise to pay, and the message is a form of debt, because you now owe someone money, which you are promising to pay.
  • Our current money transfer system is a message system, the message is a promise to pay back a money you owe, which is a debt, and the reason businesses are willing to accept this message, which is your promise to pay back your debt to them, is because your credit worthy.
  • Our current money transfer system is a message system, the message is a promise to pay, the message represents a debt, secured by credit, and the usual settlement date or payment of such debts is 30 days from the date the debt was incurred.
  • Our current money transfer system, is actually message transfer system, carrying messages which consist of a debt, a promise to pay, and personal information about the debtor which allows the creditor to trust that the debtor will pay the debt which is owed.

  • Now compare this to Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin is a packet of digital information,
  • Bitcoin, as a digital packet, can be transferred over a digital packet transfer systems, like the internet.
  • Bitcoin is however not just a message containing a promise to pay the money, like the current money transfer system.
  • Bitcoin is both the message and the money. So when you send people Bitcoin digitally you are not sending them a message promising to pay Bitcoin, you are sending them a message which is the payment of Bitcoin.
    This is a huge difference between Bitcoin as digital money and non-digital dollars, euros, yen, rubles, etc.
  • Bitcoin is an actual money transfer system, not just a message promising to pay the money.
  • Bitcoin settles the debt immediately upon the receipt of the message. There is no 30 day settlement like with most currencies sent by the transfer system. You don't have wait to get your money and niether do your creditors.
    This is a second huge difference between Bitcoin as digital money and non-digital dollars, euros, yen, rubles, etc.
    It means you don't need to send a lot of credit worthiness information with the Bitcoin message, so there is no chance of accidental disclosure of personal information.

Proof of Concept: this type of money transfer exists in the world

  • There is a company, which uses Bitcoin blockchain, to transfer money across the city, across the country and across the world, using Bitcoin and the Bitcoin blockchain, as a real money transfer system, with same day settlement of debt payments.
  • This company transfers messages containing Bitcoin, not messages containing promises to pay, debts secured by credit.
  • This company transfers Bitcoin on the worlds first cross country, cross global money transfer system, not controlled by any one country or company. It belongs to the world.
  • The company uses Bitcoin to move money from country to country, even in countries with very few dollar assets, using the cryptocurrency exchanges in most countries allowing the exchange of one a countries currency for Bitcoin, the transfer of the Bitcoin, the exchange of the Bitcoin for Dollars, and the settlement of the debt in dollars.
  • The company is Strike Payment Systems

You now understand what most of the world doesn't.

  • You now understand how the current predominant global payment system operates.
  • You now understand the current system is based on debt and credit, because currencies like the Dollar, Euro, Yen, or Ruble are not digital, so they cannot be sent digitally, only promises to pay them can be sent digitally. These digital promises rely on debt and credit, and they take 30 days to settle.
  • You now understand why the current global money transfer system is based on debt and credit, and that large numbers consumers, businesses, banks, cities or even whole countries, who are not considered credit worthy, cannot transfer money via this system.
  • You now understand that the global money transfer system, which is owned and controlled by a small number of countries and businesses, decides who is credit worthy, and thus exclude entire countries and billions of people from access to the infrastructure for trade and commerce, which could raise their countries out of poverty.
  • You know understand why Bitcoin and the Bitcoin blockchain are the worlds first global money transfer system, and that because it isn't based on debt and credit, and because of it's core characteristic of immediate settlement, no one has to prove their credit worthiness to use it. There are no messages containing promises to pay a money debt, and information to prove creditworthiness, with 30 day settlement. There are only messages, which are the money, and the settlement is immediate. Money transfer is simplified using Bitcoin.
  • You now undersyand that if you compare this current system with Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a digital instrument, so when you send people Bitcoin digitally you are not sending them a message promising to pay Bitcoin, you are sending them a message which contains the Bitcoin. In other words you are not sending a promise to pay, like the currrent global money transfer and payment system, you are sending the payment. The final concept to understand is that because you don't need to establish credit worthiness, because no one is taking on debt on your behalf, you don't need to provide a lot of personal information to send a payment. This is also sending Bitcoin is sending the message and the payment, and that's all that's needed. It becomes like a cash transaction across the globe with immediate settlement.
  • That is the whole concept in it's entirety.



Title Photo Credit


I think the more you learn about Bitcoin, the more you are amazed by how well tought out it was, and how it the Lightning Network adds to it. we are all Bitcoiners, in a way. Or perhaps you put it well as Bitcoin Advocates.

I agree. I use to be a little wary of Bitcoiners who were critical of all alt coins. But I think I can use alt coins and still appreciate Bitcoin.

Definately !

I appreciate Bitcoin more, now that I understand it better, compared to the traditional system.

I dont know what the word bitcoiner really means, so not gonna claim that title.

But I do like the term Bitcoin Advocate, it sounds sophisticated.


I am putting together a job description for curators to read, comment and critique the posts of the Community and also write Threads about the posts. I am inviting you to apply for the position, as you are already active in reading, commenting and critiqing posts this community.The Hive Community #bitcoin4beginners community and @shortsegments is looking for curators. Three to start.

What a beautiful concept of money and payment. Satoshi was a genius and people adopting the Bitcoin are equally genius to spread this system.


I agree.
I am more amazed by Bitcoin, the more I learn about it.
I am becoming a Bitcoin Advocate.

True, Satoshi looks pretty smart right now.

The link works in the archive article#feedback

Upvoted and reblogged, good luck with this project.
I hope you pattern it after Leoglossary.
Better yet join Leoglossary.
#bitcoinforbeginners maybe Bitcoin4beginners ?

Nice job explaining a compicated topic in such understandable terms.
You have a knack or talent for explaining this complicated blockchain in words the rest of us understand.

What is blockchain?

Great normal person explanation of our limitations of current money transfer system, and explains the origins of the huge number of bankless americans. Please do banklessness

I am glad you like the post.

Interesting topic, baklessness

Upvoted and reblogged

bitcoin is amazing
satoshi was brilliant
money is a huge rabbit hole

I think Bitcoin is the perfect definition of a subject with a huge rabbit hole.

It is important to realize that you dont fully understand the value of Bitcoin, until you undertstand the traditional financial systems shortcomings.

very true !

I agree, you dont understand how cool bitcoin is, until you understand why iy was invented.

very true
the more you understand bitcoin, the more you love it

Bitcoin White Paper

  • A photo of the first paragraph explaining what Bitcoinis, according to Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Link btc


Bitcoin White Paper

  • A photo of the first paragraph explaining what Bitcoinis, according to Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Link btc


The link works in the archive article#feedback