Wanted: Content Consumers.
Where? Hive.
- This platform needs people to rconsume various types of content, leave comments and get paid.
- You start consuming content and writing comments.
- TAG your comments #consume
How do you get paid?
- You get paid when your comments are upvoted, so leave valuable comments.
- This is remote work, beach attire or pajamas are acceptable.
- You can work at your own pace and get paid for the work you do, and if you work more you get paid more, work less, get paid less.
- You can't get fired.
Payment is in tokens which should appreciate in value over time.
- Opportunity to invest in your business to create a second and third stream of income, all passive.
How does this work?
- You join the platform through this Link
Learn more here
- You learn more about this platform at this Link
Don't forget the job is simple
- You consuming content and write comments.
- You TAG your comments #consume by adding #consume to your comments.
- Authors and other interested parties will also upvote your comments.
Already a part of the Hive Community?
- Join the Consume Community
- Use the consume tag #consume
- We all should be active, but we don't all have to be active content creator, many of us can be content consumers and still contribute to the growth of the platform.
- Consuming, commenting and upvoting helps retention of content creators.
- Recruiting or onboarding other consumers requires very little oversight and mentoring.
- So we increase the number of MAU by decreasing attrition and increasing the number of content consumers.
- It's a two for one strategy, and geometric progressions always outstrip arithmetic progressions.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
The main pull for new participants on Hive is knowing their creations have value and so they will most likely spend the majority of their energy creating rather than curating. 'Public Service Announcements' similar as this post do need to be spread out more to teach others how it should be on Hive.
The information in your article is great! I would suggest using the word 'Participate' or something similar as it might encourages others to engage as everybody is awarded for taking action.
Thank you for the article! It is critical for others to understand what being apart of a Blockchain means and this post certainly helps fill any missing knowledge.
Thank you
#hive #posh
A lot of eyes on the consumers