I am really feeling this post today.
I haven’t been following Shiba, but I did notice a sudden surge in YouTubers promoting it, but I couldn’t figure out what utility it had, but now I see, it’s a dream coin, you dream you buy one billion coins for 100$ and it 100,000x and makes you a millionaire!
So now I can compartmentalizations these coins properly in my brain. They are just as you said Longshots. If you have a $100 you don’t need you buy 10$ worth of ten of them, and sit back and wait. It’s like the Lottery, somebody has to win, right?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Except this is what people did in 2018 during the ICO craze and they all lost.
This strategy only works BEFORE the mega-bubble happens :D
Luckily I'd say we are still in that phase.
Very True!
This is what people forget about lottery tickets, somebody gets lucky and wins, but hundreds and sometimes thousands of people lose!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta