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RE: So many choices! WLEO, LEO, PLEO, GEYSER, KINGDOMS, Farming Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This is a very interesting dilemma, because I too have experienced these impermanent losses, and it bothers me also. I was heavily invested in the Cub-BUSD pool and I lost quite a bit of BUSD. Additionally I am heavily invested in BLEO-BNB, where I have lost quite a bit of BNB, and on top of that I have lost quite a bit investing in Cub, as it’s value has gone down quite a bit. I feel like I feel your pain, and I understand why you are at this decision point. Oddly enough I was contemplating using my ETH and entering the WLEO-Eth pool LOL 😂 about out of the frying pan and into the fire! LOL

However, I have accumulated quite a bit of Cub, and BLEO, so longterm I could be very profitable, despite the apparent short term losses, as the Total Value locked of my investments is currently down, but it’s potential total value is very high should it rise as I have placed most of it in Cub Kingdom.

My perspective is that longterm the value of Cub and the all the versions of Leo will rise. I think Leobridge has good longterm potential, and Cubfinance will continue to evolve and become more stable in terms of value and sustained profitability.

At the beginning of Cubfinance, I unstaked over half, of my Leo, and invested my Leo in Cubfinance. So I also understand what your saying about giving up consistent daily profits on curation on Leofinance, if I had kept my money there. But I also would not have the potential to multiple my gains like Cubfinance has provided, and I would not have the invaluable experience and understanding of DeFi, cross blockchain trading, token wrapping and smart contracts that Cubfinance has taught me. And that is priceless.

I think this is truly the road to knowledge and riches we hear about in cryptocurrency, and many romanticize. But those who travel it, know it’s a journey characterized by both pain and pleasure, with no guarantee of the ultimate goal; financial independence. But the goal is worth it, and so we travel the road, it’s small gulches and big valleys, traverse the little streams and big rivers, climb the small hills and big mountains. All in search of the ultimate goal, Hodling and trading our way to the prize.

We are Leofinance Lions, we are learners, we are teachers, we are those who are in between, who both teach and learn. We are in this both together and by ourselves. It is a not a lonely journey, but each of us alone must deal with our individual reactions to stress and tolerance for risk and paper losses. Each of us must choose our path and ultimately take responsibility for our investment decisions.

As they say amongst the Mandalorians, that is the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta