
Hive Capitalism is a variant of capitalism

  • Hives economy isn’t a simple one based on buying or producing goods at one price and selling it for a higher price.


  • rewarding mediocracy disincentivizes people from doing their best and it suggests that mediocrity is an acceptable goal to aspire to.. which I don’t think is what we wish to encourage in our society.


  • I feel that the idea of rewarding average or mediocre performance, while good intentioned perhaps, in seeking to make people feel their efforts have value.


And that it is not an inherently evil concept. I feel it encourages and incentivizes the behavior we want to see more of in society.


  • I feel that the idea of rewarding good deeds and superior performance is not a new or inherently divisive concept.

Capitalism is often associated with evil, and while it can be a tool used for evil or by bad people, I personally feel that the idea that hard work and wise choices can provide financial rewards, is not inherently evil.