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RE: The Future of Stable Coins

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Ha Ha Ha... I know right?

WEN @edicted token? WEN @edicted defi project? I would be very interested to see and @edicted fork Cubfinance because he believes inflation is a "killer app" and if his ideas about trading pairs, which heavily influenced the last pairings on Polycub: Hive-PolyCub, SPS-Polycub, and generated huge income for the deflationary PolyCub project, I would love to see their effect in the inflation tokenomics of Cubfinance. You listening @edicted?!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



I don't know @edicted personally, so but my comment is starting to feel like the equivalent of telling my husband to take the trash out.

(Spoiler alert: I NEVER ask my husband to take the trash out, as "he sees it too.")

Sorry dude, I'll stop my nagging.