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RE: The Real Investment Is Your Time

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I agree with you that the time you invest in cryptocurrency is as important as the money, possibly more valuable. I have spent money first, time second and like you I invested in several Altcoins before I did enough reading. I greatly regret those loss4s. It would have been better to just buy Bitcoin and hold it, while I learned. Even if I held just half I would be better off. But experience is a hard teacher. Now I read, write and hodl. I learn a lot by reading and writing about it, no one really knows it all, crypto is changing to fast. We all just try to stay involved and aware.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're right, it's changing all the time. I like your approach, sometimes you learn the most by trying to explain it to others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta