This post is in myhumble opinion. I remember clearly the dystopian futuristic societies run not by governments, and we are indeed in the early days of that dystopia. Web 3 is the next or current battleground for mega corporations and tech companies to fight for global dominance. Indeed we are seeing the transition as we speak. Oil companies or energy companies have been the puppet masters controlling our leaders and militaries for a while. Now energy companies and banks are rising to thwart or usurp the rising and powerful tech companies. The power they have is immense, and as we see in China it is quite capable of enslaving the populus. Between vidoe cameras and county controlled digital currencies we are in the early part of the fight for our freedom.
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I would say major tech companies are not fighting in web3. They do not care about it (at this point). They are immersed in a battle in #web2.
I can see that, as the bulk of the money in Web2 belongs to Tech companies and they are all reluctant to change from an Ad revenue based profit system to a web3 profit system, which involves earning cryptocurrency, even if they could dominate to field. They maynot currently have the motivation based on the small number of dollars they see being made, but I must admit I thought they would be able to extrapolate that just like the Ad dollars may be small per person, it's scale that makes you rich. I think that's called the Walmart Principle.