Short Segments Referral Rewards Program
Inleo Referral Rewards Program
- The Inleo Project rewards you 10 Leo for every one who signs up under you, an some are very active at signing up new accounts.
- But new signups don't always turn into Active Users.
- So Inleo has a rewards program that pays you more for Active Users then inactive sign ups.
Result of Inleo Incentives for active users versus inactive sign-ups
- Right now I have four sign ups or four people who joined Hive ? Inleo under my referral link, and I thank all four of you.
- My Earnings just for signups are:
I have earned 10 Leo each or 40 Leo.
- However two of them are actually active and each has published an Introduction Post, and one has published a post and started commenting and threading.
- I have earned 10 Leo for each of those introductory posts by my sign-ups which earned me 20 more Leo.
= I also earned 30 more Leo for the Threads and Comments by the last sign-up who has been very active. I have published my Leo Refrral Screen Earnings so you can see the numbers yourself. Full Transparency. - I have earned more Leo on one active account which used my refrral link, then for four referral link signups. 50 Leo versus 40 Leo.
- So the real earnings potential is in recruiting people who will be active, or incentivizing your sign-ups to be active.
- So I created my own special refrral link sign ups incentive program.
The #shortsegments Hive/Inleo Incentive Program
- When you sign up under me you get the following benefits which help you earn right away:
- I delegate you HivePower, this provides your Resource Credits, also called RCs and they are the Gas which allows you to publish Posts, Videos, Comments and Threads on Inleo or Snaps on Peaked. These can be upvoted and you earn both Hive and Leo tokens.
- I delegate you Leo so you can Publish Posts, Videos, Comments and Threads on Leo. These can be upvoted and earn you Hive and Leo.
- I will delegate a fixed amunt of HivePower when you sign up under my referral link and also LeoPower, and this gives you the Gas tokens to be active and publish Posts, Comments and Threads. This activity will earn you tokens of Hive and Leo.
- Additionally, I will follow you and support your blog with upvotes for your content, as long as it's original, no plagirism, you give credit for pictures, quotes etc And you don't draw downvotes from Inleo moderators or Hice moderators.
- FInally, as an added Bonus, I will add to your delegations as you earn me leo for your activity, I will increase your Leo delegation by the same amount, up to some yet undetermined number of Leo.
What this means to you, as a newcomer
- This means if earn me more Leo by being an active, rule following, good member of the Hive Community, I will reward you with something real and tangible; the ability to make extra money by continuing to be a productive and valuable member of our community.
- I am literally willing to incentivize or pay for the behavior I want to see; good behavior.
- This has always been the promise of Hive, a community with an abundance economy, where we incentivize the behavior we want to see, and ignore the behavior we don't want to see. This brings attention and wealth to the good behavior, and obscurity and no wealth to bad behavior.
- I want to be part of a system which rewards valuable and productive members, so that become the default mode of operation for new members because not only is it the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do.
- I think this is pretty generous, and I can't guarantee this will last for ever, nor is this the only thing I do, so sign p soom while I am interested and have time and HivePower to delegate to you.
- You never know when a good thing will be gone.
- I will remove delegations from accounts which are not active and reassign them to new accounts or active accounts, which need more resources.
My Delegations
I have delegated HivePower to these accounts:
Some of them are active, others are not, so I will remove the delegations from the inactive ones and move them to the active ones.
I will also provide one month delegations of larger amounts of HivePower and LeoPower so these accounts which re active and in good standing can upvote commenters and reward them with Hive and earn more Hive also for being active. This allows them to earn more Hive and power it up to build up their own HivePower, so they won;t need mine as much.
I will award delegations every week, based on activity.
If you signed up under my link and need more resource credits because of your activity level, message me via wallet memo or a comment. I can delegte you more resource credits.
This weeks winner as most active is #doctormedicare
- My reward for my most active sign up this week goes to @doctormedicare as the account earned me 50 Leo this week.
- So that account gets a 50 Leo delegation for activity and 50 Leo for being the winner this week, for a total of 100 LeoPower Delegation.
- This account also published an introduction post and earned me 20 Leo, so I am delegating 20 Leo to this account.
- This account earned me 10 Leo, so I will delegate 10 Leo to this account .
- This account earned me 10 Leo, so I will delegate this account 10 Leo
HivePower Delegations
- I have delegated 4-5 HivePower to each account that signed up under my referral link.
- #chatter38 #guygy, #roock95 and #doctormedicare all received these delegations when they joined.
- In addition, to reward activity and being the most active of the accounts which joined under my referral link, @doctormedicare received a 100 HivePower Delegation.
- These delegations will grow if the accounts above are more active.
Additionally, the account gets a larger HivePower delegation, so they can be active and not run out of resource credits, plus upvote commenters.
I will consult my Leo score board and distribute delegations accordingly each week, when I haave. chance
This article was published on the social website called Inleo, which is a Post-2-Earn website on the Hive Blockchain.
Hive and Inleo are called Post to Earn Websites
How do you earn money on a Post-2-Earn website?
- 1. Create Posts, Make Comments, Write Replies, Write Threads, Post Pictures.
- 2. Sign up for Free: Click JOIN4FREE.
- 3. Tag me by typing #shortsegments at the bottom of your thread or post, and I will find your post.
- 4. Then I will welcome you, upvote your Post so you can start earning tokens in 7 days. Plus I will share your thread or post with my thousands of Followers by #reblogging and answer your #questions direct you to #helpful #guides.
Inleo on Hive
- Inleo looks like many other social media platforms on the outside, so it is easy to use.
- But it is different from other social media platforms on the inside because you are an Owner
. #owner
Being an Owner means:
- 1 , You own your account, it can't be closed. [No Deplatforming.]
- 2, You own your content, so no one can take it down. [It's Permanent]
- 3, You own your following, so no one can take them away.
Join for free, have fun and learn to earn.
- 1, Open an account for free and choose your name.
Posted Using INLEO
How I wish you are the one that referred me then 🥺
#hive #posh
interesting game plan 👍
The refer to earn is a very lovely way to get many more onboarded users as long as you can persuade them about the benefits but this days it’s been difficult to create an account as the number verification doesn’t work