
I guess your debt would just get transferred to the central bank?

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Makes a lot more sense.

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Here is the catch, your mortgage will be lifted, but you won't own the house anymore. That is a reset. It happened in communism, where houses have been seized by the state. You would "rent" them for a monthly small fee. That is the principle of communism, you own nothing anymore even if they say that all belongs to everyone, it is that you don't own a thing.

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That won't happen. Period. Private property is not going anywhere. I can guarantee you that. The reset they're talking about has nothing to do with communism.

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I hope also that this is not happening, but I was born a lived a fair amount in a part of the world, where it did happen and it happened very fast. If somebody fought back, either in a good case was jailed or shot directly.

History shall not be forgotten as it can happen again and again. I see so many young communist, that don't have a clue what they want.

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The world is run by wealthy old people, not young communists. Forget about communism. Not happening.

I hope you are right :)

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