Health is Wealth

Frugal people try to save money wherever they can. They avoid careless spending, carefully plan their budget, and constantly look for the greatest offers on everything they purchase.

That said, being thrifty is generally regarded as a positive financial quality. But I think that having flexibility is a smart way to become thrifty.

Strict guidelines like "never spend money whenever possible," "always buy the cheapest item," "always grab the biggest discount," and so on may actually make you spend more money over time.

Let us take health care, for instance. Health care in America can be expensive.

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Most adults feel healthy, with no health concerns, and have no chronic conditions. I remember that before 2015, I did not get sick at all, and all I needed was the usual yearly check-up. I seldom saw the hospital.

If you are healthy, you could be tempted to forgo buying health insurance and save yourself paying those high premiums. This is a risk that could cause you financial ruin if you are not lucky.

Hospital costs depend on the hospital, where it is, the patient’s insurance coverage, and more. They can vary wildly. The average per-day hospital cost in the U.S. is $2,883, with California ($4,181) the most expensive, and Mississippi ($1,305) the least. The average hospital stay is 4.6 days, at an average cost of $13,262.
If surgery is involved, hospital costs soar through the roof. Some of the most common surgeries have price tags that top $100,000.

You'll wish you had insurance if you get in an accident that requires surgery. With health insurance, you'll only pay a fraction of that. But without... you could be stuck with the entire bill.

And yes, even when they do have health insurance, some people do not use their health insurance to avoid higher copays and other expenses. They might save a little money now but might end up with skyrocketing medical expenses later.

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Some health issues may not be noticeable until they are more serious and expensive to fix. Furthermore, known problems may worsen and necessitate additional and more costly prescription drugs.

It's easy to get sucked into the never-ending chase of wealth and forget that life loses a lot of its joy when one's physical and mental well-being are compromised. Prioritizing our health allows us to enjoy those benefits without being constrained by pain, exhaustion, or discomfort. By doing so, we may enhance our quality of life and possibly realize higher financial gains over time.



All photos were taken by me with my iPhone.

This is for #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay.

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This is also a post for the Show us your California of @derekrichardson.

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Heath care in British Columbia is the biggest public expenditure of the Province. The premiums are relatively low but delivery to the needed services is very slow. There are a few private facilities that are expensive but much more timely.
It's been a long debate on allowing more private care but there's always some big protest about it. There are so many problems. Our current system needs fixing.

Much !LUV to you sis 😋😘😍
!LADYIn my personal experience, health care in America is good to superb, except that it is expensive. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have healthcare insurance, given the numerous procedures I have undergone since 2015 and still have up to now. I am forever grateful for the healthcare professionals who have handled me. Every time I am on the table and knocked out, I am ready to die, but each and every time, they take care of me, and so I am here today. I owe my life to them, sis, and I am always conscious of that fact! I cried every time I came to consciousness, just as I am so teary-eyed as I write this, @kerrislravenhill. I am surrounded by so much love in my daily life, yet every time I go into surgery, I feel truly alone.

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Happy #PirateSunday Young Lady...........

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Cutting corners on a budget can best be done other places.... "health is wealth" my friend!😀Health Insurance is definitely very expensive, but well worth it if needed @silversaver888!😇

!PIZZAThere are many things in life that we can live without... health care is not one of them, @silvertop!

So very true @silversaver888!👍😊

So true sis! Back a few years ago, the year was 2017 and I was hospitalized with a life threatening infection. I was in for 4 days and the total bill was over $27,000!! At the time, there had been a mix up with my insurance and I wasn't covered! You can imagine the panic that ensued despite the illness! Fortunately, an advocate went to bat for us and got the insurance fixed and the bill was covered.

You just never know when something will happen that you end up needing and using that health insurance you thought you really didn't need!

Thanks for sharing sis! Much !LUV to you always!🤗💜🌹😍😘 !LADY !PIMP

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What a testimony, sis! I hope everyone reads your response. Thank you for sharing!!!
Much !LUV always, sis 🤗😍😘

It was a scary and stressful time! I had about 7 doctors and I remember when I became lucid once again, hearing them scan bar codes on the equipment being used and all I could hear was cha-ching!

🤗💜❤️😍😘🌹 !HOPE !PIMP

!LUVHealth insurance is a great thing to have, and can really help if you do get really sick. Sadly it can be very expensive for small businesses even now. Health care is expensive here but the quality is among the best in the world. I'm glad you're health is improving, being sick can be a very scary (and expensive) experience. Take care of yourself @silversaver888 !

Thank you for caring, brother-stacker. It is appreciated.
Life is fragile!
!PIZZAOh, @thebighigg! You've made an insightful observation about health insurance! It was a lifesaver for me as I faced unexpected medical challenges. It remains a hurdle for small businesses and many individuals. Being sick indeed brings not only physical and emotional stress but also financial worries for many.

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Healthcare system should be called sickcare system! Government controlled healthcare systems especially purposefully don’t screen early but wait for people to be sick and well on track to bad outcomes before doing anything. We can only depend on ourselves for taking care of ourselves. Sad but true. Only way to take care is to take full control and look to outside system things and improve it ur own situations via diet and nutrition and likely paying outta pocket for tests that the system doesn’t believe in paying for until it’s way 2 late. !PIMP

The U.S. is an extraordinary source of constant innovations in healthcare, big and small: healthcare research and breakthroughs and continuous improvements in surgical procedures, medical devices, etc., and is underappreciated. And we (the U.S.) massively subsidize the rest of the world’s healthcare. That said, government healthcare systems here do not do as well as private HMOs. And you are correct
!LUV, each individual should take full control and make the right decisions pertaining to their health, @geneeverett !

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It's the same here. Although there are public hospitals that offers free hospitalizations, but you might just die because of the services and lack of facilities. So people would rather go to private hospitals. However, the cost is a pain in the ass that you will get stress. Some insurance are not even covered.


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I think healthcare is generally expensive across the globe. Here in California, even publicly subsidized and free hospitals are staffed with caring and generally competent individuals.

!LUV Have a great day, sis @jane1289!

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Ms. Saver @silversaver888


Med Beds coming Soon !



It's Like Christmas this Week Young Lady !



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I can't imagine living there with my health problems, especially without health insurance and having to pay so much for medications or hospital bills. I would definitely be broke. A few years ago, the hospital felt like my second home. How can people manage to live like that? How much do you pay for health insurance there?

!PIZZAI pay $350 per month in health insurance and my employer pays and contributes a larger portion. Regular check-ups are $10.00 per initial doctor's visit, and follow ups for the same incident are zero, $0.00. If I get hospitalized, a co-pay of $50.00 is paid, which is reimbursed, then every thing is free. Well, it is not free, my healthcare insurance foots the bill. Practically all surgeries are free to me, except for elective, not-covered surgeries, which I have not needed. I have cancer. At one point, I needed plastic surgery, that was necessary. That too, was free to me. I have undergone 7 surgeries, and I could not complain; in fact I am grateful for the healthcare system that I have. I hope I answered your question, @tinabrezpike!

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Oh my, this is a lot of money. But it's better to pay than regret it later. I don't need to pay for it myself… it pays our employer. I hope you are going to be okay. I wish you all the best. Just keep going. Thank u for your answer ❤️

With health insurance, you'll only pay a fraction of that. But without... you could be stuck with the entire bill.

Health insurance in the US is a huge problem for people cause some people are complaining they cannot afford it.

Wow, it does seem expensive. Here in Venezuela, private medicine is expensive, and public medicine often has few supplies and medicines.


!LADYIndeed, sis @sacra97! Challenges everywhere!

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True, health is wealth, a strong body and mind allows us to enjoy life. We should prioritize our well-being through balanced nutrition, exercise and rest. Stay healthy!

!PIZZAYou bet, I try the stay healthy! Do the same, @gretelarmfeg!

Yes! I do Zumba every day, a 1-hour dance will be good 😍
Thank you for these tips ❤️

Health is wealth indeed and should be cared with upmost priority

!LUVIndeed, sis @sommylove!

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Thanks 🙏

Thanks 🙏

Ms. Saver @silversaver888

IYKYK ...........

This is a natural double terminated quartz crystal. Nikola Tesla believed that crystals were living entities and once wrote: "In a crystal we have a clear record of the existence of a formative life principle, and although we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being." Tesla often referred to them in his studies, and even today the crystals powers have scientists almost baffled. Tesla did many tests using crystals as they were a huge inspiration to him. He learned that when you resonate a quartz crystal, it creates a piezoelectric field and that field emanates, into the surrounding Ether. This information led him to create healing machines and to help him understand the energy produced by the Earth. What many of you do not know that Tesla never went to the doctor, as he used his machines to heal of any ailments. We need to re-create these machines move into the direction of Teslas vibrational medicine.




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Here in Europe, health insurance is practically compulsory. Thus, almost nobody cares about the prices of health services.

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!PIZZAVery good, @insanejane!

!PIZZAThank you, @gwajnberg, for the tip!

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sacra97 tipped silversaver888
silversaver888 tipped insanejane
silversaver888 tipped silvertop
silversaver888 tipped elizabethbit
stokjockey tipped kerrislravenhill
silversaver888 tipped tinabrezpike
silversaver888 tipped gretelarmfeg
silversaver888 tipped thebighigg
stokjockey tipped silversaver888
(2/15) @silversaver888 tipped @sacra97

Healthcare in the US is awesome, so friggin awesome...until you have no way of paying it... @silversaver888