So much has happened... and I got sick!
I was hospitalized (nah, not Covid), and that took out of circulation!
I am just now posting in Splinterlands (I think the second...or third?) and just figured you were busy.
I am so glad they found you some help!
I didn't know you were moving. Two weeks ago, when I found out, I opened Brave, and play my games through Brave.
So now, another move?
No matter...
I will follow, hahaha.
Splinterland addict here, hahaha.
It's so great to hear from you!!!
I am glad that you have not forgotten me, hehehe!
Hugs and kisses!!! 🥰🌺🤙
!ENGAGEEeeekkkk.... hello, my friend @carrieallen!!!!
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