Single mother’s shouldn’t be discriminated just because life didn’t turn out the way they planned it to be.- @deborah-yelemu
#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads
Single mother’s shouldn’t be discriminated just because life didn’t turn out the way they planned it to be.- @deborah-yelemu
#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads
Anyone who doscriminates a single woman should be ashamed of themselves, single mums are tough, they go through a lot, but still stay firm and strong for their children, if anything, they should be applauded and not cause them
It is not good to discriminate at all. Women deserve respect and support not abuse
Its better to have a kid under any circumstance and become a single mother than a chronic
Life is tough and been able to shoulder the responsibility of bringing up disciplined/well behaved children its a battle. Children seem to prefer strict upbringing from the voice of a man and when a women acts in that shoes, its a plus