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RE: Leo Talk 3/08/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

a former industry minister in china have said that China is at least 30 years away from becoming a manufacturing nation of "great power",........

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China is going to be facing a great deal of headwinds.

To start, they have a demographics issue meaning their population is going to start declining. In this era, that also means an aging population are birth rates decrease.

Also, manufacturing is going to change as we return to local and regional production. Stuff such as 3D printing and other manufacturing breakthroughs will give people the ability to create products locally.

With automation, the need to outsource to a country with cheap labor is also not necessary. Why pay for shipping to have products built by robots in China when the robots can build them in the country where the products are used?

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With automation, the need to outsource to a country with cheap labor is also not necessary. Why pay for shipping to have products built by robots in China when the robots can build them in the country where the products are used?

never saw it from this angle,this is really an interesting input from you sir....

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