you can have so called "centralized" businesses on decentralized tech.
to think otherwise is a blinded view that will never be accepted by the masses.
True freedom means people can build what they want you will defend it even if you disagree with it.
If you try to stop it or tear it down you are only preaching "freedom".
As a combat veteran that has fought and been wounded for freedom, the current crypto "freedom" talk turns my stomach.
I build towards weakening the power of nation-states but understand humans will always organize and those organizations will have hierarchy.
Just as the West preaches "freedom of speech" without actually practicing it.
the west does not practice it because it only exists in one country.
The US is the only control that has freedom of speech.
No other country has it as a right.
The US is the only country that is designed for the power to come from the people not from the government.
I actually don't count europe as the west, I count it as more of a socialist commune that talks a lot.