
A very good question. The answer to this can be a post or two. However let me try a short version :

The answer is mostly in your mind. I will use a surfing analogy. A surfer goes out to breaker and waits to catch a wave. When he/she catches it out there it is only a potential (every wave have a potential) perfect wave. You never know if that will be a perfect wave, but you still catch it. If you are average, you get wiped out average times. If you are above average you get it above average times. But point is, if you don’t catch the wave, it is guaranteed that you don’t catch a perfect wave….

There was a movie where this song was featured and there was a comment…

Great song, bad movie:)

If you are above average you get it above average times

So it's a lot to do with the confidence aspect, and a bit of gut feeling to go with it?

yes, but it is more to do with hesitation

Normally grown up people fear the loss. They fear that the set up will not work out. They hesitate and they don't get into the trade. The more you know, as the losses accumulate, more you get into this mode.

I good trader is a kid, she/he just jumps as they see the opportunity and don't think about the consequences..


Kids are the best traders! See how high she is jumping from? :) More than 2 stories high...20ft...and not a drop of fear :)

They fear that the set up will not work out. They hesitate and they don't get into the trade

I am guilty of this. This is probably a scenario where ignorance is bliss, and dangerous at the same time.

If you trade, especially day trade; Danger should be your middle name ;)

Embrace danger :)

It's a leap of faith doc ;)

একবার সিংহের বাচ্চার মুখে লাফ দিয়েছিলাম দাদা। সেই বাচ্চা সিংহ গুলো বড় হয়ে এমন কামড় দিয়ে ধরে রাখসে.....😂😂😂