I think it took me about 20-21 posts to get my first significant payout when I started out back in late 2017! And yet not a single day I felt disheartened because as you said, the tech in front of us at the time was extremely unique and the idea was revolutionary. Hence exerting patience to wait and search for my niche seemed a no brainer.
Consistency is something I have lacked and this is something I regret the most about my journey on the blockchain. I have often found myself taking "short" breaks from the chain which ended up becoming months and even years at a stretch. That resulted in me losing track of some really good friends and to this day I still miss many of them and wish I had at least stayed in touch to what they are up to now.
It takes time for all of us. That simply how it goes.
Back then (2017) we were only dealing with the base layer. The layer 2 tokens (rewards) make it a lot easier to get noticed.
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