I couldn't agree more. It makes my head spin, but I don't know why it surprises me. I tell people "My Facebook" (HIVE, oc) pays for commenting and they roll their eyes like I'm speaking from beneath a tin foil hat. I tell them DOGE is a joke. It began as a joke. It's still a joke. Price be damned it just isn't capable of being a stable currency. They just smile and pretend they know what the fuck they're doing. It makes me want to shake mother fuckers. Just pick the up by the face and bounce what they're using for a brain around their skull until they get it.
I know right? It is what it is, what can you say.
That basically sums up 2021.
Lmaoo I can't blame you. There's a long way to go and we all still have a lot to learn.
Thanks for reading!
!LUV 1
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
"That basically sums up 2021"
It sums up our species, I think. This whole fucking experiment we call existing is always rolling full speed ahead, around curves with (at least) two wheels lifted of the track and these days it feels like we lift off every time things straighten out even the slightest. Lol. This whole thing is the equivalent of a Grand Theft Auto 5 star police chase. I expect tanks to show up at any minute to just blow us all to Hell.
Hi @sinistry, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @lordneroo. Holding 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM