I still feel like overall this is good. It's the tightening of the grip that squeezes more of us through the fingers of the authoritarian fist.
Everything discussed above was inevitable. I think most of us have known this for a long time... ever since Bitcoin was unofficially declared a shit coin because it isn't programmable.
At this point I think the regulators are the key to everything.
Once the masses begin to feel the squeeze the mass exodus will be the deathblow that sends them whimpering into oblivion.
I do believe the Nation-State is on the clock to its demise. It will take decades of course yet we will see department after department made redundant.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agreed. One of my go to points of discussion at the moment is what happens when the government can no longer extract fees for things like registration services?
That's not the big dramatic blast that ends it all, but over a decade, as people begin to just have whatever they need registered done simply by buying/owning it, I think we'll quickly begin to see how close it is.