
It was only released last night so it was easy to miss.

Other than what was highlighted, not a lot earth shattering in there. However, it is good to see the focus and how they are intent on moving forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm very excited about this. This isn't my kind of game, but I'm very eager to see how the mechanics of it work and how the resource intensity is compensated for. If this goes well, we can have a foundation to build some VERY in depth worlds, with a LOT of value created and traded.

When we get up to quest driven RPGs we're going to see some series expansion. You may not be aware of them but games like Elder Scrolls never really end. The main objectives can be completed, but there will always be random side quests that can be rolled up ad spit out, so one can theoretically adventure forever.

I am not a gaming expert, in fact I am rather lost in that area. However, I do know there is a lot of amazing stuff happening. The platforms are allowing people to develop on top/within the games.

So the building of more "worlds" is a rather interesting concept. It is all the path we are heading down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta