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RE: A Request for Taskmaster:

in LeoFinance2 years ago

We have a supply side problem causing the inflation.

Then there is also partly self-fulfilling prophecy: people demand higher pay, cause cost for the employers to go up, cause price of goods and services to go up.

Also as interest rate go up, cost of borrowing go up (companies will pass the cost to consumers if they can, while individuals have lower disposable income)

Always push and pull.

Sustainability of USD is another issue: without war and conflicts how is US going to “pay back” much of the $32 trillion without arms sale?

Or intellectual property sale when China is catching up?

The ability for the US to repatriate and bring it back to balance is diminishing by the day.

The amount of goods and services and protection that can be used to “collateralize” the $32 trillion is going from monopoly to duopoly. Not looking good.