Interesting read. Land is going to swallow a lot of cards, which you don't mention.., that is if what those monsters produce on the land outweighs the return of renting them. If all these monsters are suddenly put to work, renting will be more profitable again.
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I thought that too but I'm honestly not sure now how many cards land will swallow up.
In the last town hall someone asked Yabapmatt if they are putting out more cards with these current releases to cover land and do they expect a card shortage?
He seemed to be a little surprised by the question and his answer implied that land wouldn't really put any strain on overall supply but would take many older, more rare cards out of circulation.
He said something like, "The purpose in land is just to give older cards a place to be used." He went on to say "let's say land takes 5 cards, you get a lot more output on your land if you use 5 fully maxed out alpha gold legendaries than you do putting 5 common CL cards on there." <--What's in the quotes is just from memory and may not be exact.
I'm not sure if 5 was just a number pulled out of his ass or if its really what he's thinking but if its 5, that could only mean 750k cards pulled out. While that could mean lots more combined cards, I think the major takeaway is that Matt doesn't see land as a major card sink with the exception of old rare cards which he said there will not be enough of.
This also makes me think that if they start to think it could be a strain, they will probably just adjust the rebellion release upward.
I think renting is going to come and go. Today I'm suddenly doing very well again as someone's bot is renting 1 BCX Chaos Legion rare cards for 20 dec lol. I bought a bunch more yesterday because with 2-day rentals, at that price, it covered 1/6th of the cost in one rental.
Thank you for the support!
Alpha's have big CP, it can only be down to that. At the top level there are not many players with Maxx'd Alpha's and people in those days left cards half-levelled up. I have some Beta's in a similar state.
He likely means cards like those. They would be better suited as land slaves.
It could come down to CP for sure but the fact that they have boosts in gameplay for alpha and beta makes me believe its probably going to be similar with land.
Even if the top level players did have all those cards, they would run out very quickly if they had a lot of land to cover. I think that's the point Matt is getting at though. The older and rarer the card, the more it should be in demand. If they do this right, the demand for those cards will continue to grow forever as land owners slowly try to increase the output of their land by getting closer to the ideal. People might even start combining alpha and beta cards again.
I'm going to start picking up more alpha cards in anticipation. They are really cheap right now. At the very least, they should maintain a high rental value if I'm reading this right.
I was thinking that same thing. Land will be a huge sink for liquid cards, especially previous generation ones.