If this platform wasn't oozing with potential, I'd be long gone.
I started powering down yesterday then cancelled. I am still on the brink of bailing. @azicon has some clout and if you are up for this marketing thing, I am sure he will back you. Something needs to change, and I don't want the responsibility of it all and lack the experience.
It needs some stronger shoulders than mine. Who is the evil villain?, I know.., but then I have been primed.
I'm not far behind you after reading a few things that have made me a bit uneasy...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Examples? :-O
Ah I mean the examples in your post which are also compounded by what I have seen over the last 9 months (and the couple of years before that when I was on STEEM) and looking at the comments section here, cold truths really!
Funny timing considering I just posted yesterday about some goals of growing my stake here but starting to doubt if I should continue with that now 😃
Don't leave, who will post the urbex porn if you go?
I'm not, but am getting very frustrated on what I am seeing. Will be posting a lot less.
At the current price, I'd be tempted not to bail if I were you simply because this price, in my opinion, and be held indefinitely by the huge stakeholders keeping their investments turning over.
Not doing for the moment, it was a bad day moment.
It's frustrating mate. Especially watching the price of BTC go through the roof.
You take it easy fella with the real life shit storm going on over there. Best wishes fella