So a few more questions for you LEO fans...
What is that circle at the top for? I know it's @freecompliments but...why is it there? Does it change? Am I missing something?
So a few more questions for you LEO fans...
What is that circle at the top for? I know it's @freecompliments but...why is it there? Does it change? Am I missing something?
That's for threadcasts.
When someone starts a threadcast and it gets enough activity (I believe a minimum of 15 messages) it gets pinned to the top so people can easily find and join them. It remains on the top for, I believe, 12 hours
Ah i see, interesting it doesn't allow me to click it or anything though...would be a good option to enable so i can follow through to see what's happening.
That's odd, you should be able to click it and it should take you to the threadcast.
It works for me
Hmm, doesn't seem to have a link backing it either, can only 'save the photo'
hmm odd, works for me
I wonder if that's a premium-only feature.... or could be a bug.. I will ask around
Yeah possible it's a prem feature, seems like a wasted opportunity to get 'basic' users more involved and possibly upsell prem. could even add a little info button that says it's a prem feature but still lets you click through or something.
No, I just tried with a non-prem account and still worked... maybe it's some browser thing or other kind of bug... I remember not long ago some people were not able to upload pics while others could so could be something like that
A threadstorm ... I am guessing with 10 comments it has been answered
Yeah we went through the rabbit hole earlier and worked that out, interesting it doesn't always seem to work. There's one at the top of the page again tonight, wasn't working until i refreshed.