Are you in a kind of situation that looks like you do not feel happy whenever you do not trade on the crypto market at any particular day?? You feel depressed whenever you are not trading on the market ?? Or you always want to trade on the market even when you are not supposed to ?? Then you are not the only one who is in such dilemma or have experienced such dilemma before...Many traders are experiencing or have experienced it too before..
I believe that the cryptocurrency market itself can be addictive , and you will often feel like trading on it eveeytime , I guess the profits that one can get from the market is one of the major things which triggered the addiction..
Addiction to crypto trading can make a person to trade blindly , what I mean by that is , a trader who is addicted to the crypto market would just want to keep trading even when they keep getting loss or when the market is not ripe for the certain trades they were taking during those period..
Trading crypto is very wonderful , the addiction to it can be dangerous, it could make you to find yourself loosing money consistently , it Could also make you to earn profits consistently if your trades always go your own way..
But I believe any addiction to a habit that is making us to feel empty when we do not do that activity at that particular period in time ,such addiction should be avoided...
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