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RE: The SPS Controversy ⚔ Splinterlands

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's like a subject sitting on an injured person and every time the injured person reacts, the subject sitting on top of the wounded person stabs him.

I have little time, but I have been seeing a series of decisions that increasingly encourage me not to invest so much in the game.
It's like a bottomless pit that gets bigger every time.

  • Use max level monsters for rewards.
  • Use gold monsters.
  • You can't sell the reward cards (you don't get money to buy more cards)
  • Buy the cards you used to get from rewards.
  • Minimum SPS limit to be able to get rewards.

Spend your money, and we won't leave you profit, just spend more and more.

I hope I'm wrong, as there are free games and other NFT games, where you don't have to pay more and more to get rewards.

I like the game, I want it to be attractive, why are they trying to destroy it more and more?

You can't milk the cow to death, you have to give it food from time to time.