I tested Elrond and Maiar and report about my tests in the 3rd course on Decentralized Finance (in English and French)
The big difference I see with Hive is that it puts technology first (like most other blockchains), rather than people and communities. In other words, it's a blockchain "by geeks, for geeks". A good blockchain, but far to complex for a normie.
Here's my post
WOW it shows that you put a lot of work into that article but I think you should have split it into a few parts to make it more accessible to us ordinary people 😁
Are you still active on the Elrond blockchain? If the answer is yes, what future do you see for the Mex and especially the LockedMex?
No, I'm not active anymore there. Precisely because it's a purely technological project. It has no social dimension, no "soul". There is nothing I feel is radically different as end-user experience from Solana, Cosmos, Polkadot, Avalanche, Algorand and other such blockchains which aim for technical excellence
thanks for your valuable feedback
glad you found it useful
The social part might be slower to realize but I think it's still there. It takes just one good social platform/app to be launched successfully on the chain and everything can change, especially in Romania they have a huge follow-up, young people mostly. I was a huge fan of Solana, but not so much right now and I'm not the only one, they were/are to cocky without a solid backup, their network went offline several hours multiple times. We'll see who stands taller out of those 5 in 2-3 years time.
I don't see it the same way. If a good social platform launches, the team behind that social platform will look after its own best interests. They are not going to tie their hands to one blockchain platform, it would be stupid. Whatever "killer social platform / app" emerges, it will be "blockchain agnostic", built in such a way as to be able to work on more than one blockchain. And thus the blockchain back-end will be commoditized, like the hardware servers are now, and the users who provide value will not know nor care what blockchain is behind.
The only way for a blockchain platform (a back-end) to stand its ground in the upcoming race is to be built from the ground up for social, NOT for smart contracts.
Only Hive is designed for that
You wrote the entire essence of a full article in a simple reply, thank you!
"social platform - blockchain agnostic" sounds too perfect, one day it will happen but my count is in years, and many.
Dar e romanesc ;)
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