MTGOX 2.0 or Worse?
El mundo crypto ha sido sacudido desde hace unos dias por el escandalo de FTX, es una situacion delicada y espero que se resuelva de la mejor manera, si es que hay una posibilidad de que eso suceda, la realidad es que ahora mismo hay miles de usuarios que perdieron todo su dinero y no han podido retirar sus fondos de FTX, se calcula que hay unos 9 billones de dolares en perdidas, para ponerlo en comparacion con MTGOX en su momento fueron 400 millones de dolares, que era una cantidad extremadamente enorme para el momento en el que estaba el mundo crypto, los afectados en ese momento eran usuarios comunes y corrientes, esta vez es mucho peor...
The crypto world has been shaken for a few days now by the FTX scandal, it is a delicate situation and I hope it is resolved in the best way, if there is a possibility of that happening, the reality is that right now there are thousands of users who lost all their money and have not been able to withdraw their funds from FTX, it is estimated that there are about 9 billion dollars in losses, to put it in comparison with MTGOX at the time it was 400 million dollars, which was an extremely huge amount for the time in which the crypto world was, those affected at that time were ordinary users, this time it is much worse...
Lo que paso en MTGOX desencadeno uno de los peores mercados bajistas que vivio Bitcoin, ya que mucha gente salio afectada y dejo de moverse gran cantidad de dinero, lo que siguio fue una epoca oscura, en que caso de FTX se calcula en 9 billones de dolares en perdidas lo que va de momento, es una barbaridad!$ de dolares de usuarios de todo tipo! Usuarios comunes, fondos de inversion, fondos de pensiones, inversionistas, fondos de trading, agencias gubernamentales, paises y mas! Hay muchas personas involucradas lo que hara que venga una ola de demandas, una ola de bancarrotas que no le hara nada bien al mundo crypto y ya lo estamos viendo, estamos siendo testigos de una caida enorme del mercado crypto, empezando por el Bitcoin que perdio el soporte de 17.000$ que tanto tiempo aguanto...
What happened in MTGOX triggered one of the worst bear markets that Bitcoin lived, as many people were affected and stopped moving a lot of money, what followed was a dark period, in which case FTX is estimated at 9 billion dollars in losses so far, it's a barbarity! 9,000,000,000 of dollars from users of all kinds! Common users, investment funds, pension funds, investors, trading funds, government agencies, countries and more! There are many people involved which will cause a wave of lawsuits, a wave of bankruptcies that will not do anything good to the crypto world and we are already seeing it, we are witnessing a huge fall of the crypto market, starting with the Bitcoin that lost the support of $ 17,000 that has endured for so long...
Personalmente nunca entre en FTX nunca me gusto el personaje, ya que se tildaba como el salvador del mundo segun el, se le notaba a leguas que era un mentiroso compulsivo, lo principal que me llevo a no acercarme a nada que tuviese que ver con el es que es democrata, el segundo donador mas grande de los democratas, eso me llevo a pensar que las donaciones eran en realidad sobornos y compras de politicos para tapar cosas malas que hacia y ademas era muy anti todo lo que representan las cryptos, ha sido el jinete de la regulacion de las cryptos y ha querido jugar sucio contra sus competidores, por esa razon jamas me le acerque, no se le puede confiar el dinero a una persona asi, un gordo que es vegano.
Personally I never got into FTX, I never liked the character, because he was labeled as the savior of the world according to him, you could tell he was a compulsive liar, the main thing that led me to stay away from anything that had to do with him is that he is a democrat, the second largest donor of the democrats, that led me to think that the donations were actually bribes and buying politicians to cover up bad things he did and he was also very anti everything cryptos represent, he has been the rider of crypto regulation and wanted to play dirty against his competitors, for that reason I never approached him, you can't trust your money to a person like that, a fat guy who is a vegan.
Han empezado a salir muchas cosas a la luz, lo primordial fue que utilizo los fondos de los usuarios para tradear y no solo tradear sino tradear en contra de sus propios usuarios, armo un ponzi enorme para atraer a mas usuarios dando la sensacion de que era grande cuando no era realmente asi, se inflo de muchas apariencias, lo que mas me ha impresionado hasta ahora fue enterarme que SEQUOIA invirtio en FTX alrededor de 200 millones de dolares, cuando eso paso muchisima gente se unio a su exchange! Pero secretamente el uso el dinero de la gente e invirtio 500 millones en SEQUOIA, un ponzi total, lo mismo hizo con otras compañias, ahora mismo los fondos de FTX estan siendo bloqueados por todos lados, el esta empezando a tener problemas con la justicia, solo grandes inversores y algunos paises han sido capaces de retirar, esta dejando retirar a quienes mas le pueden hacer daño, no tiene el dinero para responderle a todos y no para de decir que si lo tiene.
Many things have started to come to light, the main thing was that he used users funds to trade and not only trade but trade against his own users, he set up a huge ponzi to attract more users giving the impression that he was big when he was not, he inflated himself with many appearances, what has impressed me the most so far was to learn that SEQUOIA invested in FTX around 200 million dollars, when that happened many people joined his exchange! But secretly he used people's money and invested 500 million in SEQUOIA, a total ponzi, he did the same with other companies, right now FTX funds are being blocked everywhere, he is starting to have problems with justice, only big investors and some countries have been able to withdraw, he is letting withdraw those who can hurt him the most, he does not have the money to answer to everyone and he keeps saying that he does.
Espero que esto se resuelva de la mejor manera, muchas vidas estan siendo destruidas en este momento, la gente no tiene ni idea de la magnitud de lo malo que es esto, podemos estar muchos años en un mercado bajista gracias a esto, asi como paso con MTGOX y espero que se aprenda la leccion de nuevo, NO GUARDAR EN EXCHANGES! Not your keys not your crypto!
Todas las imagenes las edite con Canva y las saque de 4chan.
Sigue a mi cuenta de GIVEAWAYS @titoraffles hare unos muy buenos en cualquier momento!
Hasta la proxima!
I hope this is resolved in the best way, many lives are being destroyed right now, people have no idea of the magnitude of how bad this is, we could be in a bear market for many years to come because of this, just like MTGOX and I hope the lesson is learned again, DO NOT KEEP IN EXCHANGES! Not your keys not your crypto!
All images were edited with Canva and taken from 4chan.
Follow my GIVEAWAYS account @titoraffles I'll make some great ones anytime!
See you next time!
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Not your keys, not your crypto.
We are tired of hearing the same thing but we still dont learn!
I learned my lesson, I didn't go anywhere near FTX. It seemed FTX rose way too quickly, and was very suspicious, just like LUNA was.
It’s fine he woke up.
Credit: reddit
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