It's a fun idea and should bring about some interaction in the comments. Im no expert myself but I can regurgitate information I read. haha.
If token sales are very 1 sided, their might present a chance to do some arbitrage which we could take advantage of if nobody else sees it first. lol.
It's a 5-month project take should be a bit of fun and the weekly posts could turn into a great place for people to chat about what's been happening the past week. Another side goal is to show how easy it is to create a token with another purpose other than investing and that projects can have end dates. These tokens will last 5 months and then I'll have them removed from hive-engine.
I have already gone ahead and created the tokens :)
Yeah. It is interesting to think about.
For example, if the token purchases lean one way, it might be worth taking the opposite position in the event of that side winning and paying out even better. Or perhaps just taking a small position with the intention of hedging the other side (kind of like buying puts when holding a stock as a hedge).
It will be interesting to hear people's thoughts on this and how they approach it.
Posted Using LeoFinance
It would be simple to work out the odds people are getting as tokens are sold :)
Posted Using LeoFinance