Well I have a couple:
- Do you like RPGs?
- How do you feel about complicated rules in RPGs?
- When you are looking to invest in any crypto game, do you personally start off with the mindset as an investor looking for ROI, or does entertainment still hold value to you?
- What is the first thing that makes or would make an impression for you in an RPG crypto game?
- When do you decide that a crypto game project is worth investing in?
- How do you feel about voice acting in RPG games?
- Are you a fan of storytelling in RPG games?
- Do you prefer having more opportunity costs in an RPG game?
- Are you a fan of multiple endings in an RPG game? where choices have consequences?
- Gameplay or Art? which one do you prefer more?
- Are you a fan of DYOR or do you feel that there are some shillers worth taking an opinion off?
- And lastly if you can share...how do you approach researching a project before investing?
I missed your last 17 AMAs so I am trying to make up xD..