Tienen una velocidad de nado promedio de 5 a 8 kilómetros por hora, pero pueden alcanzar rápidamente velocidades de hasta 30 kilómetros por hora en distancias cortas.
Durante la época de reproducción, los manatíes se reúnen en grandes grupos y realizan exhibiciones de cortejo que incluyen abrazos y golpes con las aletas.
Los manatíes tienen una gran capacidad de almacenamiento de grasa en su cuerpo, lo que les permite sobrevivir durante períodos de escasez de alimentos.
A pesar de ser animales acuáticos, los manatíes tienen una estructura ósea similar a la de los elefantes y están relacionados evolutivamente con ellos.
Son considerados guardianes del ecosistema acuático, ya que su alimentación ayuda a mantener el equilibrio de las plantas acuáticas y los ecosistemas costeros.
A lo largo de la historia, los manatíes han sido objeto de leyendas y mitos en diversas culturas, siendo considerados criaturas místicas y protectoras del agua.
Throughout history, manatees have been the subject of legends and myths in various cultures, being considered mystical creatures and protectors of water.
Parce no sé, pero en mi concepto en esta imagen, me dan ganas de probar manatí, se ve que puede ser jugoso, pero al mismo tiempo parece como duro, tieso o chicludo, no creo que lo pruebe nunca por pesar, pero de que se come se come
será que da pra tirar foto com eles sem prejudicar eles?
creo que sí hay varios en zoos, y también dice que si tienen contacto con la gente
quite large and strange to look at
Manatees are large aquatic mammals found in warm, shallow waters of rivers and estuaries.
nao sei de onde tiram isso de vaca marinha tadinhos haha
They are known as "sea cows" due to their calm and gentle appearance.
duogongo o pokemon?haha
There are three species of manatees: the West Indian manatee, the West African manatee, and the dugong.
por isso vivem em aguas rasas entao?!
claro para poder comer más facilmente
Manatees are herbivores, feeding primarily on aquatic plants, such as algae, seagrass, and leaves from coastal trees.
queria uma vida assim!
They are peaceful and slow-moving animals, spending most of their time swimming or floating in the water.
caramba entao nunca estão sozinhos?
Manatees are known for their social behavior and congregate in groups called "aggregations."
imagina se revolve deitar em cima de você
They can measure up to 4 meters in length and weigh around 500 to 1,500 kilograms, depending on the species.
Unlike other marine mammals, manatees have a flattened, paddle-shaped tail rather than a lobe-shaped tail.
mais que eu!
Manatees can live up to 60 years in the wild.
interessante e a gente pensando que o rapaz da foto era gordo!
They have a thick layer of fat, known as a "blubber," which helps them maintain a stable body temperature in cold water.
mais um motivo pra nao irem fundo!
Manatees have lungs and must breathe air at the surface every few minutes.
entao eles nao sobrevivem no mar?
nop siempre necesitan regresar a agua dulce
Although they are aquatic animals, manatees cannot survive in salt water and are dependent on fresh or brackish water for their survival.
queria saber como é esse som!
Manatees communicate with each other through vocalizations, such as hissing and chirping. 1 0
30 km/h é bem rapido!
They have an average swimming speed of 5 to 8 kilometers per hour, but can quickly reach speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour over short distances.
Manatees have sensitive whiskers around their mouths that help them detect objects and food in the water.
During the breeding season, manatees gather in large groups and perform courtship displays that include hugging and flipping.
Manatees gestate for approximately 12 to 14 months and generally give birth to a single calf.
Manatee calves, called "babies," are born in the water and are capable of swimming and breathing on their own shortly after birth.
Manatees are migratory animals, moving in search of food and warmer water during cold seasons.
They are considered an endangered species due to habitat loss, poaching, and collision with boats.
Their diet consists of large amounts of plants due to their low nutritional content, which requires them to spend a lot of time feeding.
Manatees have a large storage capacity for fat in their bodies, which allows them to survive during periods of food shortages.
Despite their large size, manatees are herbivorous animals and do not pose a threat to other marine animals.
Manatees have thick, rough skin that protects them from injury and sun exposure.
Los manatíes tienen la capacidad de cerrar sus fosas nasales para evitar la entrada de agua cuando están sumergidos.
Despite being aquatic animals, manatees have a similar bone structure to elephants and are evolutionarily related to them.
Manatees have limited vision, but they have good hearing and can detect vibrations in the water.
They are considered guardians of the aquatic ecosystem, since their diet helps maintain the balance of aquatic plants and coastal ecosystems.
Manatees play an important role in the dispersal of aquatic plant seeds by excreting the seeds in different areas.
Throughout history, manatees have been the subject of legends and myths in various cultures, being considered mystical creatures and protectors of water.
Manatees can consume up to 10% of their body weight in food each day.
Although manatees are calm animals, they can use their powerful bodies to defend themselves against predators.
Manatees have very sensitive skin and can be comfortable with human contact as long as it is gentle and respectful.
Manatees have a dense, heavy skeleton that helps them stay submerged in water.
Manatee footprints can be found at the bottom of the water, leaving a characteristic heart-shaped trail.
Manatees have been the subject of conservation and rescue programs to protect their population and habitat.
ue.. de 17 foi pra 37 haha
ok então.. vou dormir um pouco agora ate mais
Manatees are considered friendly and curious animals, which has led to positive interactions with humans.
adoro mamiferos aquaticos!
Parce no sé, pero en mi concepto en esta imagen, me dan ganas de probar manatí, se ve que puede ser jugoso, pero al mismo tiempo parece como duro, tieso o chicludo, no creo que lo pruebe nunca por pesar, pero de que se come se come
LOL si ha de tener bastante carnita
Un animal realmente llamativo que debe ser respetado y preservado. Espero que los cazadores no logren extinguirlo.
No tenía mucha idea sobre este gran animal y esta lectura me hizo aprender más sobre él. Gracias por el thread.
me alegro que te haya gustado :D
Interesante hilo, aqui en Cuba es una especie protegida, esta prohibida su caza. #manatienpeligro
woww que bien!! me alegro que le estén cuidando :D
they look prehistoric